Category Archives: Uncategorized

Home Archive by category "Uncategorized" (Page 6)

Salivary Gland Disorder – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

April 06, 2023 By admin In Uncategorized
Salivary Gland Disorder – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Saliva plays a crucial role in the overall health of the mouth and the digestive system. It protects teeth from decay, keeps the mouth moist, and aids in the digestive process. The salivary glands, located in the inner linings of the m...


February 06, 2023 By admin In Uncategorized
Snoring is a common problem afflicting millions of persons, specially males  beyond a certain age. Apart from the social nuisance as well as the embarrassment to the snorer it is also an uncomfortable experience for the person who sleeps next to a snorer. Snoring in a few cases is also linked w...

Hearing Loss – Look for these early signs

January 27, 2023 By admin In Uncategorized
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Early Sign of Hearing Loss in Children, Elderly and Adult. Know from the best ENT Specialist - early sign of hearing loss in young children, hearing loss in adults and what is the impact of untreated long term hearing loss....


January 16, 2023 By admin In Uncategorized
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HALITOSIS – WHAT CAUSES BAD BREATH? Did you know that bad teeth or gums are not the only source of bad breath? And that many other organs of the body could be contributing to it? Yes, after dental causes, there are many other body organs that can contribute to halitosis – from the nose, the ...

Myringoplasty Surgery: Repairing Perforated Eardrum

January 14, 2023 By admin In Uncategorized
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Myringoplasty: repairing your perforated eardrums (Tympanic Membrane) A common form of ear disease is Chronic Suppurative otitis Media (CSOM) CSOM has largely ben broadly categorized into two types :- TWO TYPES OF CSOM CSOM Attico Antral Disease – or unsafe CSOM – the ear disease can travel deep...