Best Laryngoscopy in Delhi
How is the Test Performed ?
Laryngoscopy may be done in different ways:
- Rigid Telescopy This is a simple procedure. Most of the time, it can be done in the provider’s office while you are awake. A medicine to numb the back of your throat may be used. A video of the procedure plus pictures of the important areas are shared with you.
- Fiberoptic laryngoscopy (nasolaryngoscopy) uses a small flexible telescope. The scope is passed through your nose and into your throat. You are awake for the procedure. Numbing medicine will be sprayed in your nose. This procedure typically takes less than 1 minute.

When Is Laryngoscopy Needed?
For all common and persistent throat problems including pain, difficulty in swallowing, altered voice, chronic throat irritation, feeling of something stuck in the throat,
D 3/14, Ground Floor
Vasant Vihar
New Delhi 110 057
Mobile: +91 98711 50032
Hour of Operation
Monday To Saturday
Morning Timing
09:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Evening Timings
4:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Thursday Morning Clinic Is Closed
Thursday Evening
4:30 PM to 7:00 PM
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